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  • Long Lane Newfies
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Therapy Dogs are so important in today's world. They can bring a comfort and a joy to scared or hurting people with just their presence. I work with a local team of handlers and their dogs. We train together and once our dogs have passed a strict certification test, we go into facilities where we are invited and needed. We have been in work places for special needs adults, retirement homes, schools, funeral homes, special needs children's places, dentist offices, libraries, and so on. Ace is currently certified through Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs. Chance is undergoing the classes and will be taking the test to be certified in the future. If you have a newfie pup that you think would be a good therapy dog, I highly encourage you to get the proper training and certification and DO IT! It's such a rewarding thing to do- to make a difference in the life of someone else. And the bond you will have with your dog is unlike anything I can explain. A newfoundland with the proper temperament will make an excellent therapy dog!

Health Tested Newfoundlands
Therapy Dog Newfoundland
Newfoundland breeder Indiana
Newfie pup
Newfoundland breeder Indiana
Newfoundland breeder Indiana
Therapy Newfie Pup

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